Who We Are


We opened OPTIMUM Fitness to provide everyone, no matter age, gender, profession, health status with deserved world-class fitness.

We are the home for fulfilled fitness, those who believe in HARD WORK, dedication, responsibility, accountability and most of all, the POWER of community. There is NO room for gimmicks, quick fixes, and fancy facades, only FUN and RESULTS!

These beliefs are what makes us STRONG with the ultimate BOND.

We look forward to working out TOGETHER. We embrace challenges knowing that we’re in a SAFE environment, FREE of judgment. We train hard SUPPORT one another. We celebrate one another’s accomplishments out of a genuine desire to see everyone SUCCEED. We don’t go to the gym just to burn calories but to CHALLENGE our body, be with our FRIENDS, and feed our SOUL!


We believe that:

All people have inherent value.
Our differences make us stronger.
Family sustains, stabilizes, an defines us.
Honesty and integrity will build lasting relationships.
We have a responsibility to each other to create a better community.

Learning, growing, and accepting challenges enriches and fulfills our lives.

These values bonded to Fitness is the foundation that will enrich your lives and ours together as one healthy lifestyle.

Meet Our Team

We opened OPTIMUM Fitness to provide everyone, no matter age, gender, profession, health status with deserved world-class fitness.










We cover a lot in class and utilize every minute so don’t be late. If you’re on time, you’re late. Plan to be early to class in order to sign-in, mingle, look over the WOD, and warm-up prior to starting. A good rule of thumb is to be at the box 10 minutes prior to go time.

Leave your ego at home. You know the Fitness mantra, “Our warm-up is your workout”? It works both ways. Someone, somewhere is warming-up with your PR. So no one cares how much you can lift, we only care how well you can lift it. The coaches are there to help you improve now and long into the future.

Please introduce yourself to all newcomers or anyone you don’t recognize. Remember when you were the new guy or gal? A friendly introduction goes a long way and we always encourage that family atmosphere. Have etiquette. Leave any kind of negative attitude at the door. Have fun, push yourself out of your comfort zone, and cheer on your comrades. Help create a community you would love to be with

At OPTIMUM Fitness, no one puts away their equipment until everyone has finished the workout. This is a common courtesy and we encourage everyone to cheer each other on until the last person finishes. Your encouragement means a great deal and builds comradery . After you finished your WOD, you can cheer on others, grab a foam roller, or just sit and enjoy the down time, but don’t touch your equipment.

Do not cheat. You’re an adult and you should be able to count. Your times and reps are for yourself. Use proper logging to help yourself to improve. No one cares what your time was or how many reps you got if they were false. Earn respect. Why cheat yourself. We’re all just happy that you’re here and pushing yourself to reach your goal.

Work hard. Put forth an effort. Don’t half-ass a WOD when you know you can perform better just to boost your score or reps. Go heavy when you can but always use proper form. Jump higher. Run faster. Remove “I can’t” from your vocabulary. You can and you will.

We provide the very best equipment and is VERY expensive- please treat it as such and as your own. If a barbell is your baby, would you drop your baby from 2 feet above ground? Dropping weight should be done as a last resort for safety, not to show off or to make your life easier. If you’re in control of the weight (and you should be), then you shouldn’t have to drop it very often. There’s absolutely no excuse for dropping (or even worse…slinging) a dumbbell, kettlebell or any equipment.

Track your progress. Record your WOD, PRs, times and lift results into the WodTogether system as soon as possible. We provide you with in-depth tracking technology so you can progress. How will you ever know you’re getting better if you don’t? You can’t manage what you don’t measure. Be consistent. Work on your goals and have fun, be part of our community and reach your fitness goals.

You have to clean up after yourself. It’s your responsibility to put away your equipment, count your own reps, get your own towel, and clean off your stuff. We are very well organized and clean. Maintain it. Don’t leave your stuff lying on the floor. If you sweat, bleed, or puke, it’s your responsibility to clean it up. We want everyone to have an enjoyable experience at OPTIMUM Fitness and to take ownership, responsibility, and pride in the box.


Listen to your body. Tell your coach immediately if you’re feeling dizzy, lightheaded, or nauseous. We can help.

We can’t fix it if we don’t know. Bring things to our attention that needs improvement. We want to improve your Fitness experience.

Let the coaches coach. They’re certified, trained and professional. Don’t give unsolicited advice. If you want to coach, get certified.

Children can sit on the couch or at the side benches while their parents workout. They are not allowed at any point to come onto the floor or training area. Sure we love kids, we have three; however, the safety of the children and quality of the athletes’ training environment demands this arrangement and it’s a strict one!

Every athlete pushes themselves in a different way. You can scream, cuss, cry, go to your happy place, bleed, or even rest…just don’t quit. The human body is capable of more than you can possibly comprehend; challenge it accordingly.

Our Classes

Combinations of strength, conditioning, deep stretching and more are for everyone regardless of where you’re at on your fitness journey.

Get Started

Like what you see? Let’s kick this thing off!

Find Our Place

Want to come in and check out the space? We love having guests!